Along the Green River Cove Trail

Along the Green River Cove Trail
Polk County Trails
Trails in Polk County have something to offer anyone who is interested in leisurely walks, strenuous hikes, mountain biking, birdwatching, trail running, exercising the dog, or simply enjoying nature.
Polk County is located in Southwest North Carolina in a transition zone between the Blue Ridge mountains and the Piedmont. Despite being one of the smallest counties in North Carolina, Polk is home to a wide variety of publicly accessible land and waterways. There is a strong rural character to this area and opportunities for outdoor recreation abound.
The trails program is constantly expanding and several new trails are under construction or in the planning and design phase. For the most up to date information and opportunities, please contact trails@polknc.org to join our email list and receive the monthly newsletter.
We post the status of trails as we receive updates. Some trails, if they are open, do not have public facilities that are open. Other trail courtesies still apply: keep dogs on leash, take your trash with you, etc. Thanks for doing your part!